Development Corner – June 2022

A Year of Stories:  Inspiration for the Future

As much as I try to be cool, calm and collected about it, I am beyond excited for having been awarded the 2022 Barbara Jordan Media Award in the Newsletter category for my work creating and producing New Danville’s Wrangler Gazette. The back of the medallion award states, “For excellence in the communication of the reality of people with disabilities.”  I’m proud of the recognition, but mostly I am humbled and honored to have been able to learn so much about all the people who comprise the New Danville family as each issue was produced. More information about the award, the official award event video, and an invitation to the virtual after-party to which the public is invited can be found here.

Our clients (Wranglers), parents, providers, team members, volunteers, board members and donors share with the heart that they bring to their respective roles, and I learn from them every day. As I mentioned at the award event when it comes to sharing the many great stories, “That is the point, isn’t it?”…to share, to learn, to appreciate and to understand through the stories of those with special needs and those who love them.

In those marvelous stories is another ingredient:  inspiration. As we hear and share the hopes, dreams, needs and concerns of our Wranglers, we are inspired to do more. What if we had more homes for residents looking for independent living? What if we were able to add assisted living? What if we could build a new classroom building, a community/recreational center, and more, to serve more adults with special needs? We can.  How soon?  That is the question and the purpose behind a new initiative that you will hear more about very soon.  We call it Growing…for Living.

If you would like to learn more advance information about the initiative, please feel free to contact me at 936-253-5757 or

Thank you for the many ways you make it possible for Wranglers to live, learn, work and grow.

Dion McInnis, Development Director

We are pleased to introduce Live, Learn, Work and Grow:  Wisdom from Under the Windmill, an inspiring, motivational, immediately usable presentation by Dion McInnis, development director. Bring this to your organization, association, business or group; everyone’s life can be better with the 15 nuggets of wisdom for living discovered at New Danville. Contact Dion at to book the presentation for your event.

New Danville is a 501( c ) (3) nonprofit rural community in Willis, TX for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. New Danville provides our clients an opportunity to live enriched and purposeful lives; we proudly call them Wranglers.