Development Corner – August 2021

The humble windmill is part of New Danville’s identity. It appears in our logo and the windmill that is on-site serves as the location for our Founders Circle donor recognition. It is the character of the windmill that inspired us to name our new planned giving donor recognition The Windmill Society.

Windmills are persistent, faithful to their work, and responsive, no matter which way the wind blows. The windmill will be the icon for our new planned giving recognition society. Anyone who chooses to include New Danville in their estate plans, or as part of another planned giving tool, and notifies us of their intent, will be recognized as a member of The Windmill Society.

This is an important step for New Danville, and we couldn’t have done it without the loyal support of so many donors over the years. We now look upon a new future with a bold vision that includes program expansion, capital improvements and more. This is the perfect time to more visibly seek and recognize planned giving donors. Planned giving offers a myriad of options to creatively support the causes you believe in while benefitting your heirs.

More details will be explained in upcoming promotional materials and on our web site. We will have an annual event recognizing all our donors with presentations and acknowledgements for the various levels and types of donors. Members of The Windmill Society will receive a special gift that represents the importance, steadfastness and visionary aspect of their contribution.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information about New Danville as a beneficiary of your planned giving goals.  Dion McInnis:; 936-253-5757.

We are pleased to introduce Live, Learn, Work and Grow:  Wisdom from Under the Windmill, an inspiring, motivational, immediately usable presentation by Dion McInnis, development director. Bring this to your organization, association, business or group; everyone’s life can be better with the 15 nuggets of wisdom for living discovered at New Danville. Contact Dion at to book the presentation for your event.

New Danville is a 501( c ) 3 nonprofit rural community in Willis, TX for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. New Danville provides our clients an opportunity to live enriched and purposeful lives; we proudly call them Wranglers.