Development Corner – April 2022

Honoring others

We love trees…use them to honor those you love… and reflections on a year

To plant trees is to give body and life to one’s dreams of a better world.Russell Page

Last month marked my one-year anniversary at New Danville. The cliché states, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” This past year has gone by at warp speed. I’m proud of the things that I’ve been able to contribute to New Danville; I am blessed to be part of the team and of the family of Wranglers and clients that New Danville is composed of.

From April 2014 to March 2021 was weird for me and my career, but that is what it took to get me here. Divine intervention on a career path rarely results in a straight line.  As I look out my office window to the beautiful environment, I ponder, “Was I planted or am I planting?”  Yes. I was brought here to grow, and to grow things (plans, programs, funding, visibility, etc.)  It is exciting to be part of shaping New Danville’s future of service to adults with special needs. Great things are coming…keep watching/reading for updates!

Speaking of planting for the future…

April 29 is Arbor Day this year, a recognition that celebrates trees. It has been a national cause since the late 1800s.  Every day at New Danville feels like Arbor Day thanks to the beautiful environment here. Our vision includes additional beautification of our campus with a park and main road lined by live oaks. This effort is part of a much more expansive plan for campus additions and renovations that you will be hearing more about soon.

Russell Page’s quote conveys our mission at New Danville…create a better world, one corner at a time, for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  We will be planting young live oaks in 2022, each of which will be available for sponsorship. Donors will be able to honor a legacy at their tree with a recognition plate that will be on a stand by the tree. Along with the name, donors will be able to add about 50 words of text. The trees, that can live to be centuries old, will stand as reminders of the dreams of many for a better world for special needs people.

Though we are not yet ready to roll out the formal order form, we are now taking non-binding reservations for trees. There will be a limited number – probably 40-50 – that are available. We project the cost for each will be about $1,500. We will contact the names on the “call me” list as soon as we have the prices and details ironed out. Though it is early in the process, the month of Arbor Day seemed like the perfect time to share this with our friends and donors.

To be added to the advance list, please email me at; being added to the list is not a commitment, but simply a desire to be notified ahead of mass marketing of the opportunity when the details are finalized. Feel free to call if you have any questions or if you simply want to hear a cool New Danville story.  I can be reached at 936-253-5757.

Dion McInnis, Development Director

We are pleased to introduce Live, Learn, Work and Grow:  Wisdom from Under the Windmill, an inspiring, motivational, immediately usable presentation by Dion McInnis, development director. Bring this to your organization, association, business or group; everyone’s life can be better with the 15 nuggets of wisdom for living discovered at New Danville. Contact Dion at to book the presentation for your event.

New Danville is a 501( c ) 3 nonprofit rural community in Willis, TX for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. New Danville provides our clients an opportunity to live enriched and purposeful lives; we proudly call them Wranglers.